
Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer is HOT, but coming to a close

It's always bittersweet to me as Summer winds down.  Summer in FL is hot, VERY HOT, full of bugs and sweat.  But, it's a magical time filled with pool and beach adventures, last day of school and new beginnings and new friends.  We are experiencing a whole new round of "firsts" with this guy every day.

Ronan started back at school in a new classroom and he/we are still adjusting to that.  He is getting bigger and bigger every day and talking more and more.  We loved his first class at the JCC.  Ms. Julie is one amazing lady and the best teacher we could have asked for.

We are excited about his new class and opportunity to grow and learn with Ms. Kelly and new friends.

P.S LOVE this pic and his attitude ;)

Our Summer has been full of fun and adventures.  This past weekend Ronan ran his 1st Track Shack Kids Run.  It was 100 yards and he did great.  He wasn't afraid to run with out Ryan or myself.  In fact he loved it so much he hit the finish line, turned around and ran back to the start.  So, he actually ran 200 yards.  Lol.  I'm one proud Mama.  He is probably going to be faster than me in the VERY near future.

Ronan learned to swim this Summer too.  He took swim lessons which he did NOT like at all.  At the end of it, he can swim with his face underwater, reach for the side and climb out by himself.  He is a water baby for sure!!

That's our Summer in a nutshell.  Ronan is an adventured, loves to be outside, snuggles and gives kisses and is overall a VERY happy and loving little boy.  Here are a few more pics from Summer.

If you haven't seen Ronan lately - it's time for a visit.  This kid is amazing!!  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Boobs – From Size B to D and Back

WARNING: This post may be TMI (aka too much information) for most of the readers out there.  But it’s honest  and the truth and that’s what this is about.

Today I spent $100 on 2 new Victoria Secret Miraculous bras.  But, there were no miracles here today.  I was measured and am the perfect size of 34B.  This size seemed perfect 6 years ago after I had spent all of my life and most of my 20’s as an A cup before filling out (or putting on 5 permanent pounds) and poof a size B I became.  Today, when I was once again a B and it seemed so less than perfect.

My boobs and I have had a wonderful journey these past two years between being pregnant and nursing my son Ronan.  I was very fortunate that nursing came easy to Ronan and me and there was no shortage of the liquid gold. 

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns.  I literally spent the 1st 6 weeks after Ronan’s birth either breastfeeding on demand or pumping.  I wanted to burn our couch from being on it almost 24 hours a day.  I pumped before each main feeding and one time each night.  I was a milking machine.  The plus side though, I was a size D.  Shocking even to me.

Slowly as Ronan has depended on me less for his nutrition and milk supply “the girls” have slowly started… dare I say shrinking??!!  That’s a harsh word, but so truthful.  This past week Ronan turned 16 months and we stopped nursing completely.  It was a sad night for Ronan and me.  There were some tears by both of us (and some pinches and hits from Ronan) but we survived that first night and every night since. 

Unfortunately, my boobs didn’t fare as easily throughout this 26 month process.  To me they have disappeared.  To Victoria Secret they are their most popular size.  You’d think this would give me comfort, but it definitely did not.

As with all women that have carried children, my body has changed.  My hips are now 2” wider and my feet are almost a ½ size larger.  My stomach isn’t nearly as tight as it once was.  And alas, “The girls” are once again smaller.  Maybe this is what makes their size not as impressive – the fact that there is a bit more of me these days in all the other places, except the brazier area (of course, right?!)

I have gone back and forth over the years with padded and non-padded bras.  I always preferred the natural look and alas the Miraculous bra is not that.  At the end of the day I bought the padded bras.  Not the Super Duper Crazy XXL Padded Victoria Secret bras but padded the same.  I’m still the same 34B, just a more confident version.

I am proud of my body.  It supported the growth of our first child, allowed me a Natural delivery and supported breastfeeding for 16 months.  I am strong and powerful.  And now with the help of a little padding, confident again.

I think if you have breastfed or known someone that has you will smile, laugh and maybe cry a little for the pre-baby “girls.”  I don’t regret my decisions one bit and I’ll gladly do it all over again for BK #2 (and no I’m not pregnant.)

Our bodies are amazing.  Whatever the cup size!




Friday, January 3, 2014

Did Somebody Say Vacation???

A few months ago Ryan and I realized we had some serious PTO to use by the end of the year and nothing to do.  We had a Southwest credit and decided a trip somewhere is what was in store.  I had a few child friendly rules – under 3 hour plane ride and a direct flight.  So finding routes that Southwest flew direct and within our budget landed us in Puerto Rico.  So we booked flights, and sat back and relaxed.  What we didn’t know was Puerto Rico is a VERY popular December destination.  So by the time we started booking hotels they were mostly all booked.  Have no fear – we did find spots, but now we know (and so do you).
This trip was a wonderful time to really see Ronan in action.  For us we drop him off at school 5 days a week . We see the skills they teach him and reinforce at home, but never really get 100% of him.  This was truly 24/7 for the 6 day vacation.  It was wonderfully exhausting.  By this I mean a 16 month old toddler NEVER STOPS MOVING.  And he is now climbing and more adventurous than ever before.  This means a lot of Ryan and me taking turns to chase him.  Pretty much by 10pm every night the entire Kalb family was passed out.
He is learning so much every day.  He high fives, does fist bumps and cheers and drinks after (milk of course).  He signs milk, cracker, please, thank you and more.  He can say over 100 words I’m sure and mimics everything.  He has even starting to put together 2 word phrases.
He is a ham.  He walked around the hotels saying him to everyone.  Yelling hi sometimes to get their attention.  He blows total strangers kisses and gives them huge smiles.  He totally melted the hearts of several strangers during this trip.
Fun Stories:
1.       Ronan would NOT touch the sand at all.  We had to hold him anytime we were at the beach
2.       Ronan got his poopy diaper changed in the Playero Surf shop parking lot (Playero was the original Rincon surf shop and means Beach Bum in Spanish).  Seems fitting.  While Ryan was changing him an older Puerto Rican man approached and congratulated him and showed off his own granddaughter.
3.       Ronan loves rice & beans & plantains.
4.       We forgot his car seat in our car in Orlando.  The original one Hertz tried to rent us expired in February 2011.  YIKES!
5.       We visited a cave, fort and rain forest during this trip.
6.       We visited 6 surf breaks during this trip.
7.       Ronan sat in a cab without a car seat, in a seat belt twice.  I was terrified.
Some pics of our adventures:
Big boy Ronan in the cab, no car seat.

El Morro Fort
El Yunque Rain Forest
- this one is us getting soaked on an adventurous 40 minute hike.  We had to turn around. 
- This one is A 20 minute hike to this beautiful waterfall
Morning surf lesson
Breakfast on the beach.  The two towels we are sitting on are his sand barrier.
Happy Man after a morning surf session
All in all it was a wonderful trip and time well spent together.  It is challenging traveling with a 16 month old, but worth every second to have him to ourselves for a week.
We love to travel and explore and this was an easy trip for Florida families.  We will definitely go back when Ronan is a bit older and do the Bio bay and more hiking. 
Time is moving so fast.  I’m glad we captured a little piece of it with memories that will last a lifetime. 
My advice to you;  if you are thinking about traveling just do it.  Prepare and plan for a kid friendly adventure, but it will be worth every second (and $$).

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Lifetime of Firsts.

I recently reflected on Ronan and how much he has grown in the last 14 months.   I got really sad reminiscing on all the firsts we had shared with him this busy first year.  First time rolling over, first smile, first steps, first teeth.  I couldn’t believe that the year of firsts was over.  I kept asking myself where had the time gone and what would we look forward to in the future.
It was afterwards during an afternoon rainstorm and Ronan's first time playing in the puddles that I realized we will be sharing a lifetime of firsts with our son.  First soccer game, first broken bone, first crush, first car…  The thought overwhelmed me with emotions of happiness.  It was then that I realized that Ronan will have a lifetime of firsts that we will be lucky enough to watch and be a part of.  
Time is moving fast.  Although there will be a lifetime of firsts we still must take time to enjoy the little things.   The unexpected memories.  
Here is us enjoying.
I hope you take a little time to stop and enjoy the little things sometime soon.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Small sacrifices... BIG rewards!

This is not my first sacrifice and it will not be my last.
It started with 9 months of being pregnant.  You know the whole 9 MONTHS spiel really confuses me considering you are really pregnant 40 weeks, which is 10 months.  Maybe if they were honest about that less women would have unplanned pregnancies…. But that blog is for another day.

So first was the 10 months being pregnant.  Then it was labor, epidural free natural labor.  Then 12 months of nursing and pumping twice a day at work.  And here we are at almost 14 months and still nursing (not pumping anymore).  Don’t get me wrong I love it, most of it ;) but that’s a lot of time spent nursing when I could be doing other things.

Now Ryan and I are very lucky and have close family so date nights and a few nights/weekends off have happened.  BUT, one thing I really miss is girls’ weekend.  For years my group of girlfriends have taken turns getting married so lots of parties have happened, wedding showers, bachelorette parties and of course the wedding.  Now in my world of friends more are having babies than partying.  Which I wouldn’t trade for anything and we are already planning a  2014 trip, but I already know of  1 preggo and who knows if any of us will be on #2 when this so called girls trip happens and delays this trip.
So, back to my sacrifice.  Ronan was SUPER sick this week.  Fevers, not eating or drinking and was out of school for 4 days.  He was so sick he didn’t even play or act like himself. This was by far our worst sickness yet.   So, when a girls trip aka bachelorette party was scheduled for this weekend I thought for sure he would be better in time for me to go.  After all I had a great black skirt to wear.  But alas, no such luck.  I stayed home to care for my baby – although he was on the path to recovery I couldn’t risk not being there at night (especially since he is still nursing… ho hum).  So I backed out.  And if you know me and how much I like to party you know that was a tough call. 

So what does a girl do instead?  Drink a few glasses of wine and throw herself a pity party.  That’s right – 2 glasses of pinot later and having myself a little pity party.  That is until Ronan woke up and called for Mama.  Then I realized this was the right decision.

I knew becoming a Mom would change me in different ways forever.  I don’t think you ever know until you experience it and this is just one lesson in a life’s journey.

Different memories may come and go, but being a Mom is forever.  And I’d do it again in a heartbeat!


Monday, September 30, 2013

Slumber Party - Kalb Style

Last night I awoke to Ronan’s first nightmare.  It was so sad – he was whimpering and rolling all over.  I grabbed him and held him and shushed him until he calmed back down.  Sader and Lola woke up to see what was wrong with Ronan (which I love how much they care and love him and worry when he is upset).  Once they realized he was ok they decided to snuggle in bed with us. 

That’s when I admitted to myself that we were a co-sleeping family.  Now I never thought I/we would be one of those families (although I should have known since we have always let our dogs sleep with us).  We originally bought our King size bed since both of our dogs at the time slept with us in our Queen.  Now only Lola does regularly, but occasionally Sader joins the party.  If you know us that’s a lot of people in 1 bed.
I came across this funny image on Facebook I thought I would share. 

As my Mom stated – “Just add 2 dogs” 
And not the smallest of dogs (Lola is 110 pounds and Sader is 85)
It wasn’t an intentional decision to be a co-sleeping family.  It truly came out of convenience.  As a nursing and working mama it was easier to let him sleep with us for all his nighttime feedings.  I needed my sleep too.  Honestly, though I love it.  I love waking up, rolling over and seeing his sweet face sleeping.  He is a funny sleeper.  He once sat up and started clapping, he laughed for about 15 seconds the other night and I was able to calm his fears last night when he was scared.  I might have missed those moments if he wasn’t there with us.  He is the happiest baby in the morning too – he awake every morning, sits up and says “Hi.”  Then he rolls over to Ryan and I to snuggle.  It’s so special and magical a time before all the morning madness happens.
I know the words co-sleeping invokes all kinds of crazy images to some (we must be hippies) or we hear a lot (“just let them cry, they only do it for a night or two”) and while that might work for some it just didn’t for us. Every family and parenting style is different.   For us this works. 
Ronan won’t sleep with us forever so I cherish every night while I can.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Ronan Turns 1!!!!

Ronan (and Mommy & Daddy) Survived the 1st Year. 

That’s right, we didn’t kill him.  We made it through the around the clock feedings, first few colds and bumped heads.  His first smile, first cries and first laughs.  It’s been an amazing 1st year.  We can’t believe how quickly it has flown by.  Ronan amazes us more and more on a daily basis – he is learning so quickly.

 His birthday weekend was jam packed.  We had a fun party, went to the beach and zoo.

We’ll start with his party.  What a success.  Mr. Richard played all of Ronan’s favorite songs including the Airplane song and Happy Birthday!!



 Ronan really boogied to his music.  He definitely got his love of music from us, but not his dancing.  So far he is the most talented of the family in that department.

The Smash cake was fun, but not a great success.  While it started off great – I squished his finger when I placed the cake down.  Now, I don’t think it really hurt him, but will all eyes on him I think he freaked out and of course immediately started crying.  Not off to a great start. 

Once he got 2 spoons though the destruction was on!! 


And of course a few friends helped him along the way.
All in all, he didn't really eat much of the cake but he did manage to destroy the cake!!

We had lots of friends and family come to the celebration - from far and near.  We loved celebrating with everyone.


Thanks again everyone for all the LOVE AND SUPPORT we have received this year.